
Holga 135bc!

The World Most Famous 35mm Holga!

Hey, today i will tell you abt holga 135bc. 2 month ago, i bought this in lomography embassy store Jakarta in Grand Indonesia Mall. Ah so awesomee! is easy to use it, and easy to load the film.

Well, holga 135bc have a mask in the body, and the mask will create an awesome vignette, and sometimes light leaks. yep, this is the characteristic of holga camera. Why i pick this one? because the 35mm film is the easy use film that i know.

Ok, i have taken some good photos with this holga. Check-this-out!

 Lego Toys

 Tax office, Jakarta. I like the light leaks in
the right side.
 My house. I likeee it because the sun ;p

This is my first roll photo, yeah i just have 20 good photos, and the 16 is bad-..- i take it with fuji film iso 100 (i forgot the film name). And now i trying the X-Tungsten Lomography film.

And if you want to see more about lomography, you can check this site:

http:/lomonesia.co.id , Indonesia lomography society

http://lomography.com/ , World lomography society

well, see ya!

2 komentar:

  1. woy lovina ni u nulis postingannya mke google translate or mke kmampuan u sndiri???? inget ga gue ni siapa?? hayo...hayooo??? (si bontots dari cilincings).... kluarga subur!!!

    1. pake kemampuan sendiri dongg ;;) makanya tense nya kyknya banyak yg salah. wetssss salmaaa inget dongg
